Diversity - Faculty

The Graduate School of Education and Human Development (GSEHD) is home to faculty from around the world who are devoted to enhancing the research and practice of education and human development. Their expertise, research, and passion for inclusivity and higher education accessibility are what fuel GSEHD’s commitment to make a difference.

Faculty Features on EdFix

EdFix is GSEHD’s official podcast hosted by Dean Michael Feuer. EdFix aims to open the conversation about the practice and promise of education, as well as tackle some of education’s most complex issues through discussions with researchers, practitioners, policymakers. Amongst regular guests on EdFix are GSEHD faculty who are using their research and classrooms to work towards positive and inclusive changes in the realm of education.

Episode 1: Muslim Youth Identity and the Promise of Public Education Does the promise of American democracy still ring true for young Muslims in the United States today? And what role could schools play in addressing civic engagement for historically marginalized populations? Dr. Arshad Ali discusses his research on Muslim youth identity and the broader purpose of our American political and schooling systems.

Episode 3: The Power and Potential of Positive Psychology for Students with Disabilities Is it possible to teach students to develop traits such as optimism, growth mindset, hope, perseverance, and resilience to help improve well-being and educational outcomes? Dr. Beth Tuckwiller and Dr. William Dardick talk about their joint research into the field of positive psychology--its potential for changing students' experiences in the classroom and the challenges of measuring its subjective factors.

Episode 13: International Education, Globally Speaking "Global education” builds cultural competencies, encourages the exchange of ideas and people, and develops human capital. Could the policies and practices of other countries shed light on ways to improve our own schools and colleges, especially in the neediest communities? Drs. James Williams and Laura Engel discuss lessons learned from abroad, how the U.S. is faring compared to other countries, and whether the rise of nationalism is leading to the end of the golden age of internationalization in education.

Episode 14: Racial Disparities in College Student Health Heterosexual Black women have the 2nd highest rate of HIV infection as a group; however, Black women in college are nearly ignored in the HIV literature. Dr. Delishia Pittman discusses her research on the shared and unique risk factors of this population, whether online dating has increased the risks, and ongoing racial and ethnic disparities in health outcomes.

Faculty Contributions

Faculty at GSEHD actively publish their research and studies on the experience of marginalized groups in education. These contributions serve as a way to pinpoint diversity gaps and inspire others in the field of education to become agents of change.


Counseling and Human Development

Maureen McGuire-Kuletz   

*McGuire-Kuletz, M. (2018). Achieving Independence for Virginians with Disabilities through Career Pathways

*McGuire-Kuletz, M. (2017). Community Based Participatory Research:: Applications for Enhancing Employment Outcomes

Delishia M. Pittman   

Pittman, D. M., Brooks, J. J., Kaur, P., & Obasi, E. M. (2017). The cost of minority stress: Risky alcohol use and coping-motivated drinking behavior in African American college students. Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse, 1-22.

*Pittman, D. M. (2016). Addressing xenophobia in working with immigrants and international students.

Pittman, D. M. (2014). African American: An ethnic rather than racial distinction. The Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice.


Curriculum and Pedagogy

Colin Green   

Burns, J., & Green, C. (2017). Gender, Process, and Praxis: Re-Politicizing Education in an Era of Neoliberalism, Instrumentalism, and “Big Data.” In D. Loveless, P. Sullivan, & K. Dredger (Eds). Deconstructing the Education-Industrial Complex in the Digital Age, 24-54. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Educational Leadership

Michael D. Corry   

Corry, M., Dardick, W., & Stella, J. (2017). An examination of dropout rates for Hispanic or Latino students enrolled in online K-12 schools. Education and Information Technologies, 22(5), 2001-2012.

Stella, J., & Corry, M. (2017). A capability approach for online primary and secondary students with disabilities. British Journal of Special Education, 44(4), 448-464.

Corry, M. (2016). Hispanic or Latino student success in online schools. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17(3).

Sharon A. Dannels   

Magrane, D. M., Morahan, P. S., Ambrose, S., & Dannels, S. A. (2018). Institutional matchmakers, sponsors, and strategists: Roles of academic STEM executives in developing the next generation of leaders. Open Journal of Leadership, 7(02),168.

*Dannels, S. (2018). Developing a more diverse workforce for academic STEM: Executive leader perceptions.

Magrane, D., Morahan, P., Ambrose, S., & Dannels, S. (2018). Competencies and Practices in Academic Engineering Leadership Development: Lessons from a National Survey. Social Sciences, 7(10), 171.

William R. Dardick   

Tuckwiller, B., & Dardick, W. R. (2018). Mindset, Grit, Optimism, Pessimism, and Life Satisfaction in University Students With and Without Anxiety and/or Depression. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 6(2), 32-48.

Corry, M., Dardick, W., & Stella, J. (2017). An examination of dropout rates for Hispanic or Latino students enrolled in online K-12 schools. Education and Information Technologies, 22(5), 2001-2012.

Tuckwiller, B. D., Dardick, W. R., & Kutscher, E. L. (2017). Profiles of and correlations among mindset, grit, and optimism in adolescents with learning disabilities: A pilot study. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 6(1), 43-62.

Laura C. Engel   

Engel, L. C., Gibson, H., Boothby, R. C., & Fundalinksi, J. (2018). DCPS goes global: Research on the District of Columbia Public Schools study abroad program, 2017 cohort. Washington, DC: The George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Engel, L. C. (2017). Underrepresented students in study abroad: Investigating impacts. Washington, DC: Institute of International Education.

Engel, L. C., Fundalinski, J., Gatalica, K., Gibson, H., & Ireland, K. (2017). Global Citizenship Education for Every Student: The Washington, DC Public Schools' Study Abroad Program. Childhood Education, 93(6), 516-524.

Joshua L. Glazer   

Glazer, Joshua L.; Massell, Diane; Winchell Lenhoff, Sarah; Larbi-Cherif, Adrian; Egan, Cori; Taylor, James E.; Ison, Ashley; Deleveaux, Joelle; and Millington, Zachary. (2020). District-led School Turnaround: Aiming for Ambitious and Equitable Instruction in Shelby County’s iZone. CPRE Research Reports.

Glazer, J. L., & Egan, C. (2018). The Ties That Bind: Building Civic Capacity for the Tennessee Achievement School District. American Educational Research Journal, 0002831218763088.

Rotberg, I. C., & Glazer, J. L. (Eds.). (2018). Choosing Charters: Better Schools Or More Segregation?. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Lionel C. Howard   

Chan, C. D., & Howard, L. C. (2018). When Queerness Meets Intersectional Thinking: Revolutionizing Parallels, Histories, and Contestations. Journal of homosexuality, 1-21.

Howard, L. C., & Ali, A. I. (2016). (Critical) Educational Ethnography: Methodological Premise and Pedagogical Objectives. In R. Hopson, W. Rodick, & A. Kaul (Eds)., New Directions in Educational Ethnography: Shifts, Problems, and Reconstruction (pp. 141-163). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Howard, L. C (2019). Disentangling the Complexities of Queer Theory and Intersectionality Theory: Research Paradigms and Insights for Social Justice. Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education (pp.59-70).

Natalie B. Milman   

Baker, L. L., Liu, L. B., & Milman, N. B. (2017). International Conceptualizations of Diversity in Multi- Cultural Teacher Preparation: A Review of the Literature 2006-2015. In Discrimination and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1908-1928). IGI Global.

*Milman, N. B. (2017). Multicultural teacher preparation and technology: A review of the literature 2010 – 2016

Milman, N. B., Posey, L., Pintz, C., Wright, K., & Zhou, P. (2015). Online Master's Students' Perceptions of Institutional Supports and Resources: Initial Survey Results. Online Learning, 19(4), n4.

Christine W. Nganga   

Beck, M., & Nganga, C. (2016). Narratives of Foreign- Born International Teachers: Implications for Dialogic Leadership for Social Justice. Special Issue Editors, 58.

Douglas, T. R. M., & Nganga, C. W. (2015). Radical Loving, Radical Leading: Negotiating Complex Identities, Positionalities, and Pedagogies in Social Justice Work. In Living the Work: Promoting Social Justice and Equity Work in Schools around the World (pp. 59-85). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Bernhard T. Streitwieser   

Streitwieser, B. Duffy-Jaeger, & Roche, J. (In press). Comparing the Responses of U.S. Higher Education Institutions Toward International and Undocumented Students in the Trump Era. Comparative Education Review.

Arar, K., Kondakci, Y. & Streitwieser, B. (2020). Higher Education for Forcibly Displaced Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Higher Education Policy, 33(2), 195-202.

Streitwieser, B. Duffy-Jaeger, K. & Roche, J. (2020). Included yet Excluded: The Higher Education Paradox for Resettled Refugees in the United States of America. Higher Education Policy, 33(2), 203-221.

Unangst, L., & Streitwieser, B. (2018). Inclusive Practices in Response to the German Refugee Influx: Support Structures and Rationales Described by University Administrators. In European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies (pp. 277-292).

Springer, Cham. Streitwieser, B., Schmidt, M. A., Brueck, L., & Gläsener, K. M. Not a Crisis But a Coping Challenge: How Berlin Universities Responded to the Refugee Influx.

Susan Swayze   

Swayze, S., & Calvin, J. R. (2016). The Johns Hopkins university leadership development program for multicultural and multinational leaders: A graduate certificate program focused on developing cross- culturally competent leaders. Organization Development Journal, 34(1), 109-118.

Swayze, S. Facilitating Discussions of Diversity in the Classroom Environment. Helen Cannaday, 64.

Abebayehu A. Tekleselassie   

Tekleselassie, A., Mallery, C., & Choi, J. (2013). Unpacking the gender gap in postsecondary participation among African Americans and Caucasians using hierarchical generalized linear modeling. The Journal of Negro Education, 82(2), 139-156.

Rebecca A. Thessin   

Allen, J. G., & Thessin, R. A. (2017). The Extent to Which the School Leader Makes Efforts to Close Black Male Achievement Gaps that Promote Reconciliation of Value Differences within the School Organization (Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University).

Thessin, R. A., Scully-Russ, E., & Lieberman, D. S. (2017). Critical Success Factors in a High School Healthcare Education Program. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 32(1), 51-72.

James H. Williams   

Bellino, M. J., & Williams, J. H. (Eds.). (2017). (Re) constructing memory: education, identity, and conflict. Springer.


Human and Organizational Learning

Maria Cseh   

*Cseh, M. (2018). Coaching urban public charter school principals: Implications for human resource development. Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Human Resource Development International Research Conference in the Americas.

*Cseh, M. (2017). Global stewardship: The role of human resource development in fostering openness to the other. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human Resource Development across Europe, Lisbon, Portugal.

Shaista E. Khilji   

Khilji, S. E., & Schuler, R. S. (2017). Talent Management in the Global Context. The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, 399.

Khilji, S. E., Keilson, B., Shakir, F. Y., & Shrestha, B. K. (2015). Self, follower, organization and the context–a cross cultural view of authentic leadership. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 4(1), 2-26.

Yoshie Tomozumi Nakamura   

*Nakamura, Y.T. (2018). Women’s authentic leadership development: A case study

Nakamura, Y.T. (2017). Women’s leadership in Japan. In Cho, Y., Ghosh, R., Sun, J., & McLean, G. N. Current perspectives on Asian women in leadership. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Ellen Scully-Russ   

Thessin, R. A., Scully-Russ, E., & Lieberman, D. S. (2017). Critical Success Factors in a High School Healthcare Education Program. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 32(1), 51-72.

Julia Storberg- Walker   

Storberg-Walker, J., & Gardiner, R. A. (2017). Authentic Leadership in HRD—Identity Matters! Critical Explorations on Leading Authentically. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 19(4), 350-361.

Storberg-Walker, J. & Haber-Curran, P. (Eds.). (2017). Theorizing Women & Leadership: New Insights & Contributions from Multiple Perspectives. Charlotte, NC: IAP.


Special Education

Doran Virginist Gresham   

Gresham, D.V. (2015). Why the sun rises. Bloomington, IN: Author House.

Karen Hudson Ihrig   

*Ihrig, K.H. Girls with emotional-behavioral disabilities: caregivers' recommendations for educators.

Elisabeth Kathryn Rice   

Rice, E.K. (2017). Including students with emotional and behavioral disorders. In Classrooms: Practices, Assessment and Improvement Strategies.


* Denotes conference papers

Faculty Making a Difference


Deniece Dortch’s research highlights the emotional toll of navigating racial inequities and calls for deeper structural changes to foster genuine inclusivity.
Deniece Dortch’s research highlights the emotional toll of navigating racial inequities and calls for deeper structural changes to foster genuine inclusivity.
Dr. Gresham, Dr. Engel and alumna Elaine Walton led a hybrid workshop in Senegal titled, "Raising the Bar: Real-World Rigor" as part of their IIES initiative.
GW professor Jihae Cha hosts a storytelling camp to give youth with refugee backgrounds a chance to navigate their identity and sense of belonging.
GW Today shared about Dr. Jihae Cha's summer camp for refugees called, "Children from Refugee Backgrounds Explore Hardships and Joy in Writing Workshop."
The 2024 MLK Jr. Lecture at GSEHD focused on the experiences of disabled teachers and the unique insights they bring to their students.
The 2024 MLK Jr. Lecture at GSEHD focused on the experiences of disabled teachers and the unique insights they bring to their students.
"Educators Learn to Teach about Israel"
GSEHD's program in Israel Education was highlighted in the Jewish Standard's article, "Educators learn to teach about Israel." Faculty and students quoted.
Dr. Shaista Khilji's GW King Week event was highlighted in the GW Today article, , "Women of Color: Lived Experiences with Inequality."
Dr. Delishia Pittman was awarded the 2020 Early Career Psychologist Diversity Award by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).
This message was sent to the GSEHD community in the wake of the attacks in Atlanta that killed eight people, including six Asian women, on March 16, 2021.