Dr. Ellen Scully-Russ

Dr. Ellen Scully-Russ headshot

Dr. Ellen Scully-Russ

Associate Professor, Human and Organizational Learning

School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development

Department: Human and Organizational Learning, Cross-Disciplinary


Office Phone: (571) 553-3786

Dr. Scully-Russ is an Associate Professor of Human and Organizational Learning at The George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Her scholarship and practice are focused on the role of Adult Education in meeting the individual and the political-economic challenges of the emerging knowledge society. With expertise in qualitative research methods, she has studied the inter-dependencies of work organization and individual learning in traditional as well as emerging occupations.

Dr. Scully-Russ has more than 25 years experience as a workplace learning and workforce development practitioner in a wide range of industries including health care, telecommunications, manufacturing, hospitality, and the public sector. She has worked with dozens union-management partnerships on the firm, regional, and industrial levels to develop policies and programs to meet the dual goals of supporting individual learning and development and improving industry and firm performance. She also served as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in the Republic of Liberia in the early 1980s.

Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

B.A., St. Peters College

  • Workforce Planning and Development
  • Workplace Learning and Development
  • Adult Learning
  • Adult Education

Pittman, P., & Scully-Russ, E. (2016). Workforce planning and development in times of delivery system transformation. Human Resources for Health, 14(1), 56.

Scully-Russ, E., & Cseh, M. (Eds.), (2015). Green HRD: A social-environmental systems perspective of the role of HRD. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 17(4). (Received the 2015 The Advances in Developing Human Resources Outstanding Issue Award).

Schwandt, D., Scully-Russ, E., & Crowley, K. (Eds.), (2014). Human interactions, processes and contexts: Reflections on the past and envisioning the future. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse. (Received the R. Wayne Pace Book of the Year Award for the outstanding HRD book that advances the theory and/or practice of the profession).

Scully-Russ, E., Lehner, R., & Shuck, B. (Eds.), (2013). A scholar-practitioner case approach: Implications for advancing theory and research. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 15(3), 243-251.

Scully-Russ, E. (2013). The dual promise of green jobs: A qualitative study of federally funded. Energy Training Programmes in the U.S. European Journal of Training and Development, 37(3), 257-272.

Scully-Russ, E., Rose, A., & Glowacki-Duka, M. (Eds.), (2013). Green jobs, the green economy, and adult education. Adult Learning, 24(1).

Scully-Russ, E. (2012). Human resource development and sustainability: Beyond sustainable organizations. Human Resource Development International, 15(4), 399-415.

Scully-Russ, E. (2012). Green jobs and career pathways: An arranged marriage in service to a 21st-Century workforce development system. 2010 Research Paper. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.

Marshall, D., & Scully-Russ (2010). Joint union-management workforce development model. In D. Finegold & S. Schurman (Eds.), Transforming the US workforce development system: Lessons from practice and research. Labor and Employment Relations Association, 2010 Research Volume (pp. 205-236).

Scully-Russ, E. (2016). Exploring Program Design Principles for Healthcare Career Pipeline Programs for Underserved Youth. Invited panelists, GW Health Workforce Speakers Series, Washington, DC.

Scully-Russ, E. (2016). The Role of Adult Education in Building Opportunity Structures in High Inequality Societies. Invited speaker, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, National Committee, Washington, DC.

Scully-Russ, E. (2016). Workforce Development by Alternative Means, Invited workshop for the Equitable Food Initiative’s Trainer’s Network, Washington, DC.

Scully-Russ, E. (2016). The Lifelong Learning Imperative, Invited workshop for Kaiser Permanente Workforce of the Future Network, Universal City, CA.

Scully-Russ, E. (2015). Research, voice and policy. Invited discussant on a panel on role of adult educators in US workforce development policy, Commission of Professors of Adult Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

Scully-Russ, E. (2015). An Invitational Opportunity to Deepen Understanding of Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and Learning-Network Theory (LNT) in Relationship to the Role of Reflection in- and on- Experience in Workplace Learning. Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC.

Scully-Russ, E. (2015). Labor Management Training Funds for the Healthcare Industry. Invited respondent, Healthcare Career Advancement Program, Management and Labor Convening on Building a Skilled Workforce for Quality Healthcare, Arlington, VA.

Scully-Russ, E. (2014). Taking the next step with PIAAC: A research-to-action conference. Invited respondent, American Institute for Research, Washington, DC.

Scully-Russ, E. (2014). How OECD’s adult skills survey can help shape workforce investment boards’ strategy and programs. Invited moderator, National Association of Workforce Boards Forum, Washington, DC.

Scully-Russ, E. (2011). Rise of Illich’s convivial society through new media commons. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Scully-Russ, E. (2010). New media as a new medium: Work and learning in an emerging postindustrial occupation. Paper presented at Academy of Human Resource Development, Knoxville, TN (pp 2312-3240).

  • June 2024 - Dr. Ellen Scully-Russ participated in the Adult Education Research Conference at the University of Georgia. She presented a paper titled, "Broken Systems Under Repair: Weaving Ethics of Care and Human Flourishing Into the Work and Lives of Essential Workers," and also participated in an invited panel on the Future of Adult Education Graduate Programs.
  • November 2023 - Dr. Ellen Scully-Russ was an invited lecturer at the Education Sciences and Educational Consulting for Organizations Department at the University of Siena, Italy on Reflective Scholarly Practice for Impactful Educational Consulting in Organizations.
  • November 2023 - Dr. Scully-Russ and Dr. Maria Cseh contributed in an episode of the HRD Masterclass podcast series on HRD & The Climate Crisis. Topics covered include: implications for organizations and how they are responding; the relationship between human resource development and the Climate Crisis; how HRD can position itself for a greater role; and more.
  • July 2023 - Dr. Ellen Scully-Russ was invited to be part of the twelfth annual John Hazen White Forum on Public Policy, Governance Studies panel at Brookings to explore how the United States can improve workforce development and enhance STEM expertise. The panelists discussed ideas for boosting education and prioritizing lifelong learning. This forum convenes leaders from academia, business, and government to discuss and identify solutions to the United States’ most pressing challenges. Watch the recording >