Dr. Rebecca Dedmond

Dr. Rebecca Dedmond
Associate Professor Emeritus, Counseling
Department: Counseling and Human Development
The Freshman Transition Initiative (FTI) was founded in 2004 by Dr. Rebecca Dedmond as a grassroots effort to address the critical need for a classroom-based, comprehensive guidance effort, in either the 8th or 9th grade, to stem the rising tide of dropouts (both high school and college). Working with some of the top experts in the field and the best state standards, she developed the Course Standards for Freshman Transition Classes. High schools across America have adopted Freshman Transition because it cultivates students’ sense of belonging, encourages ownership of learning, supports the ability to make good choices during a time of changes and challenges, and helps students prepare for a self-sufficient future.
In addition to the FTI, Dr. Dedmond and colleagues responded to the need to develop and implement a comprehensive guidance and transition initiative for the Middle Level grades. As a result, she has created the Middle Level Transition Standards that encourage student's development in three domains: Personal and Social Development, Educational Achievement, and Career and Life Skills.
Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
Ed.S., University of North Carolina, Greensboro
M.A., University of North Carolina, Greensboro
B.A., University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Wilson, W., Dedmond, R., & Pritchard, C. J. (2013). What will career services be like 100 years from now? Career Developments, 29(1), 20-2.
Dedmond, R., Smith, K., & Frei, S. (2012). Challenges and successes of the youth employment crisis: A global introduction for career development professionals. In Ideas and research you can use: VISTAS 2012. Retrieved from https://www.counseling.org/Resources.
Pritchard, C., Dedmond, R., & Wilson, W. (2012). The future for career development facilitators. Career Developments. National Career Development Association. Tulsa, OK.
Dedmond, R. & Kestler, E. (2011). Career development facilitators' role as idols. Journal of the National Career Development Association Career Developments, 27(3), 20-2.
Dedmond, R. (2010). The 10-year plan: Long-range planning motivates students and personalizes instruction. In Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2012. Retrieved from https://www.counseling.org/Resources.
Dedmond, R. & Kestler, E. (2010). Making a meaningful connection—Freshman transition and service-learning. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, 85(4), 30-3.
Dedmond, R. (2009). A life-long transition: From school to career. Career Developments, 25(3), 16-1.
Dedmond, R. (2009). Long-range planning motivates students and personalizes instruction. Techniques, 84(3), 20-22. American Career and Technical Education Association, Alexandria, VA.
Dedmond, R. (2008). Launching students into their decade of transition. Techniques, 83(4).