Dr. Shaista Khilji to Receive 2025 Morton A. Bender Teaching Award
Dr. Shaista E. Khilji
Department Chair and Professor, Human and Organizational Learning
School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Department: Human and Organizational Learning, Cross-Disciplinary
Dr. Shaista E. Khilji serves as the Department Chair for Human and Organizational Learning within the George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development. She is also a professor in the department where she teaches graduate level courses on Leadership, Change, and Diversity & Inclusion, as well as courses in International Affairs.
Dr. Khilji is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the South Asian Journal of Business Studies.
Her research focuses on issues related to Macro Talent Development, Diversity & Inclusion, humanizing organizations/ leadership, and individual experiences with inequality. She has published several articles in tier-1 scholarly journals, including the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of World Business, Human Resource Management Review, and the Journal of Product Innovation Management, and presented more than 50 research papers at various international conferences. Her book, entitled "Globalization, Change and Learning in South Asia", is a representation of diversity of her research.
Prof. Khilji has taught and trained a diverse audience in Hong Kong, Singapore, Russia, United States, Canada, India, Morocco, and Pakistan. Based upon her expertise, she has contributed to many stories published in daily newspapers and magazines.
She has received several awards, including "Honorary Lifetime Fellow of Cambridge Commonwealth Society" (UK); "Pride of Profession Award" (India); the "Outstanding Service" and "Best Reviewer" awards by the Academy of Management (USA), "Top 10%" paper award by the Academy of International Business (Italy), and a "Bronze Award" by McGraw Hill Higher Education. She was nominated for the Washingtonian "Rising Star under 40 years" for her all-round academic achievements, "Best International Symposium' and "Newman' awards by Academy of Management. She has also received GW's Service Excellence Award in the Collaborative Group category for hosting the Clinton Global Initiative University at GW, and VALOR award for cross-disciplinary work and program innovation.
Prof. Khilji has consulted with US and Canadian governments, higher educational institutions (in Singapore, Canada, Pakistan, Morocco, India and Cuba) and several organizations in the private and non-profit sector globally, including working on President Obama’s initiative to develop transparent culture in the federal government.
Prof. Khilji has served as a co-principal investigator on a $1 million grant from the US State Department, entitled, "Development in Pakistan through Women's Empowerment". Between 2013-2016, she co-led a partnership between USNA and GW that delivered a Master’s degree in Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) to Navy’s junior officers. She has been leading a partnership with US Coast Guards to educate their leaders since 2014.
View Prof. Khilji blogs at medium.com/@shaistakhilji and at blogs.gwu.edu/sekhilji.
Ph.D., Cambridge University, UK
M.Phil., Cambridge University, UK
Khilji, S.E. (2021). Making Sense of the Individual Lived Experiences in the United States: An "Engaged" View of Inequalities. Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion - An International Journal.
Khilji, S.E., (2021). An approach to humanizing leadership education: Building a learning community and stakeholder engagement, Journal of Management Education.
Khilji, S.E., & List, C. (2021). Humanizing to address the grand challenge of rising inequalities: leadership in a post-COVID world. Academia Letter, Academia.
Khilji, S.E., & Pierre, R. (2021). Macro global talent management- an interdisciplinary view. In Tarique, I. (ed.) The Routledge companion to talent management. NY: Taylor & Francis.
Khilji, S.E., & Pumroy, K. (2019). We are strong and we are resilient- career experiences of women engineers. Gender, Work and Organization
Schuler, R., Tarique, I., & Khilji, S.E. (2018). Macro talent management in the US- framework, context, processes and outcomes. In Macro talent management in emerging and emergent economies- a global perspective. In Vaiman, V., Sparrow, P., Schuler, P., & Collings, D. (eds.).
London: Routledge.
Khilji, S. E., & Khan, S. M. (2018). One chance to make a global impact through local development: a review of Pakistan’s national talent development policies. In Global Issues and talent development, Dirani, K., , Nafukho, F.M., & Irby, B. (eds.). IAG Publishing: Texas A&M University.
Khilji, S. E., & Schluer, R. (2017). Global talent management. Oxford Handbook of Talent Management.
Khilji, S. E., Tarique, I., & Schuler, R. S. (2015). Incorporating the macro view in global talent management. Human Resource Management Review, 25(3), 236-248.
Khilji, S. E., Keilson, B., Shakir, F. Y., & Shrestha, B. K. (2015). Self, follower, organization and the context - A cross cultural view of authentic leadership. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 4(1), 2-26.
Schuler, R., Khilji, S.E., & Ruel, H. (2014). The role of human resource management in cross border acquisitions. In Horwitz, F., & Budhwar, P. (Eds.). Handbook of human resource management in emerging economies. London: Routledge.
Wong, D., Kessler, E., Khilji, S. E., & Gopalakrishnan, S. (2014). Using cultural mythologies to explore leadership patterns in India, Indonesia, Pakistan and USA. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research.
Khilji, S. E., Murphy, E., Mujtaba, B., Greenwood, R., & Matthews, C. (2014). Plurality within contemporary organizations: Evidence of complexity of value variations and similarities across religions. Cross Cultural Management - An International Journal, 21(2). 219-244.
Durmusoglu, S., Jacobs, M., Nayir, D. Z., Khilji, S. E., & Wang. X. (2014). The quasi-moderating role of organizational culture in the relationship between rewards and knowledge shared and gained. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1).
Khilji, S. E., & Keilson, B. (2014). In search of global talent - is south Asia ready? South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 3(2).
Khilji, S. E. (2014). Human aspect of interdisciplinary research. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 3(1).
Khilji, S. E., & Ruel, H. (2014). The role of human resource management in cross border acquisitions. In F. Horwitz, & P. Budhwar (Eds.), Handbook of human resource management in emerging economies. London: Routledge.
Khilji, S. E. (2013). SAJGBR on the move: contribution, context and quality. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 2(2).
Khilji, S. E., & Rowley, C. (2013). Globalization, Change and Learning in South Asia. Oxford: Elsevier Publishing (HEAD Foundation).
Cseh, M., Davis, E., & Khilji, S. E. (2013). Developing a global mindset: Learning of global leaders. European Journal of Training and Development, 37(5).
Gupta, V., & Khilji, S. E. (2013). Revisiting fortune at base of the pyramid revisited. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 2(1), 8-26.
Khilji, S. E. (2013). High and low context culture. In Kessler, E. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Management Theory. Sage Publications.
Khilji, S. E. (2013). Transnational management. In Kessler, E. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Management Theory. Sage Publications.
Khilji, S. E., & Matthews, C. (2012). Current standing and future directions: published south Asian research. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 1(2), 154-176.
DeMartis, W., Matthews, C., & Khilji, S. E. (2012). National HRD and HRD: the road ahead for Afghanistan. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 1(1).
Khilji, S. E., Mroczkowski, T., & Assudani, R. (2012). Balancing innovation and growth in Indian biotech firms. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 1(2).
Khilji, S. E., Egri, C., Ralston, D., Palmer, I., Girson, I., Milton, L., Richards, M., & Mockaitis. (2012). Do Anglo cluster countries still form a values cluster? Evidence of the complexity of changing cultural values. Journal of World Business. 47(2), 267-276.
Khilji, S. E. (2012). An ambicultural Asian model: Management and culture in Pakistan. In Warner, M. (Ed.), Managing Across Diverse Cultures in East Asia: Issues and Challenges in a Changing World. London: Routledge.
Khilji, S. E. (2012). Does south Asia matter? Rethinking south Asia as relevant in international business research. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 1(1), 8-21.
Huff, R., & Khilji, S. E. (2011). Delegation of authority. Prepared for the US Office of Personnel Management for implementing President Obama's Open Culture.
Khilji, S. E. (2011). Cultural change and barriers. Transparency Guide for the US Office of Personnel Management, Open Government Foundation, Washington, DC.
Khilji, S. E., Oh, C. H., & Manikoth, N. (2011). Teaching note: People lead to stronger performance: the secret to Samsung' success. Ivey Publishing.
Khilji, S. E., Popov-Nowak, I., Huff, R., & Cseh, M. (2011). Roadmap to transparency, transparency guide for the US Office of Personnel Management. Open Government Foundation, Washington, DC.
Khilji, S. E., & Davis, E. (2010). Building competitive advantage in a global environment: leadership and mindset. In Devinney, T. M., Pedersen, T. & L Tihanyi (Eds.), Advances in International Management: The Past, Present and Future of International Business and Management, Volume 23, New York, NY: Emerald.
Khilji, S. E., Qiao, K., & Wang, X. (2010). Does convergence occur in regional clusters? Evidence of HR satisfaction, turnover intentions and demographic variables from Pakistan and China. Journal of Global Business Advancement, 5 (3).
Khilji, S. E., Zaidman, N., Dorit, A., Tirmizi, A., & Srinivas, E. S. (2010). Crossvergence of values: an analysis of the use of IM at workplace in Israel, India and Pakistan. International Business Review, 19, 419-431 (ISSN: 069-5931).
Muto, Y., & Khilji, S. E. (2010). Organizational culture of global organizations. In J. Westover (Ed.), Globalization, Labor and the Transformation of Work: Readings for Seeking a Competitive Advantage in An Increasingly Global Economy. Commanding Heights Publications.
Qiao, K., Khilji, S. E., & Wang, X. (2009). HPWS, organizational commitment and the role of demographic features in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (11), 2311-2330. (ISSN: 0958-5192).
Muto, Y., & Khilji, S. E. (2007). Organization culture of global organizations: convergence or divergence? The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, 7 (2), 49-58.
Khilji, S. E. & Wang, X. (2007). Old debate, new evidence in strategic human resource management: investigating the relationship between employee satisfaction with HRM and turnover. International Business Review, 16, 277-295 (ISSN: 069-5931).