AERA 2025
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research. It is a showcase for ground-breaking, innovative studies in a diverse array of areas -- from early education through higher education, from digital learning to second language literacy. It is where we go to encounter ideas and data that will shape tomorrow's education practices and policies, and where we go to connect with leading thinkers from the U.S. and around the world. Learn more about the 2025 AERA Annual Meeting >
GSEHD Leadership will host a series of receptions and salons during the conference. Learn more and RSVP >
To view the daily schedule of GSEHD faculty, student, and alumni participation and presentations, select the dates listed below.
700 14th St, Denver, CO
All presentations will be held at the Colorado Convention Center,All times are listed in Mountain Time (MDT)
Session Time + Location | Session Information |
9:00-10:30 am Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3 | Dr. Jennifer Clayton, Dr. Abe Tekleselassie, Dr. Rebecca Thessin, Dr. Leslie Trimmer Roundtable Session: Novel Approaches to Supporting Graduate Education |
10:50 am-12:20 pm Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 3D | Symposium: Affective Cunning: Curriculum With/in Relational Networks of Gender, Knowledge, and Violence |
10:50 am-12:20 pm Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F | Qian Zhou Poster Session: Technology-Mediated Learning and Social Interactions |
12:40-2:10 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4 | Nirmala Narayan (Visiting Scholar, PhD in Education and Inequality) Roundtable Session: Developing Critical Consciousness and Identity Through Community-Based Research |
2:30-4:00 pm Ballroom Level, Mile High Ballroom 2A and 3A | Invited Roundtable: Meet the Editors: Journal Talks 1 |
4:20-5:50 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 104 | Dr. Yas Nakib, Jacqueline Muniz (Ph.D. Candidate, Education Policy) Paper Session: District-Level Financial Decisions and Educational Outcomes |
Session Time + Location | Session Information |
8:00-9:30 am Meeting Room Level, Room 107 | Zhongxin Zheng (Doctoral Candidate) Chair |
1:45-3:15 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 610 | Alaysia Bookal (Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership & Administration) Symposium: Supporting Peer Mentorship for Doctoral Scholarly Development |
1:45-3:15 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 610 | Shirley Tia Branch (Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership & Administration) Symposium: Supporting Peer Mentorship for Doctoral Scholarly Development |
1:45-3:15 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 610 | Presenter: Naudia Fairclough (MAEd '17; Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership & Administration) Symposium: Supporting Peer Mentorship for Doctoral Scholarly Development |
1:45-3:15 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 610 | Susanne Gray Rice (Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership & Administration) Symposium: Supporting Peer Mentorship for Doctoral Scholarly Development |
1:45-3:15 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1 | Dr. Jonathon Eakle, Amali Amarasinghe, Madeline Doering, Susan Graham, Xiaoyue Zhang, Chris Sharp, William Zhou (Doctoral Candidates, Curriculum & Instruction) Roundtable Session: Restorative Arts: Repair, Remediation, and Healing |
1:45-3:15 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 402 | Dr. Michael Feuer, Dr. Benjamin Jacobs Symposium: Advancing Civic Learning and Engagement Through High-Quality, Equitable Assessment Practices |
1:45-3:15 pm Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2E | Dr. Natalie Milman, Dr. Jessa Henderson (PhD '24) Symposium: Assessment Literacies in a Post-Pandemic Digital Age: An Exploration Through Six Systematic Reviews |
3:35-5:05 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3 | Xinxia Li (Doctoral Candidate, Special Education), Dr. Elisabeth Kutscher Roundtable Session: Investigating Behavior Through a Culturally Responsive Lens for Students With Emotional and/or Behavioral Disorders |
3:35-5:05 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 712 | Dr. Maranda C. Ward (EdD, MPH '17) Participant in Symposium: Light a Fire and Watch It Burn: Disruptive Qualitative Methods in Education Research |
Session Time + Location | Session Information |
11:40 am-1:10 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 113 | Dr. Karly Ball Isaacson (PhD '24), Dr. Elisabeth Kutscher, Dr. Beth Tuckwiller Paper Session: Integration Issues: Highlighting the Hallmark of Mixed Methods Research Designs |
11:40 am-1:10 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3 | Doo Rhee Lee (PhD Student, Comparative and International Education) Roundtable Session: Exploring Student SES and OTL From the Perspectives of Large-Scale Education Studies |
1:30-3:00 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3 | Dr. Christine Nganga, Dr. Alexandra Laing (EdD '24), Dr. Shaun Shepard (EdD '24) Roundtable Session: Narrative Research: Methods and Practices |
1:30-3:00 pm Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2A | Poster Session: Critical Special Education: Reexamination, Reimagination, and Rethinking of Research, Policy, and Practice |
1:30-3:00 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1 | Dr. Xiaoyue Zhang (EdD '25) Roundtable Session: Poetry, Music, and Embodiment: Critical Intersections of Postmodernity and Arts Education |
3:20-4:50 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 4 | Chair + Discussant |
Session Time + Location | Session Information |
8:00-9:30 am Terrace Level, Bluebird Ballroom Room 2A | Leslie Smith Duss (Doctoral Candidate, Curriculum & Instruction) Poster Session: AI in Social Studies Education: Tools for Thoughtful Practice With Generative Artificial Intelligence |
8:00-9:30 am Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1 | William Zhou (Doctoral Candidate, Curriculum & Instruction) Roundtable Session: Histories, Museum Studies, and Postfoundational Thought |
9:50-11:20 am Meeting Room Level, Room 404 | Chair + Presenter |
9:50-11:20 am Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F | Dr. Karly Ball Isaacson (PhD '24), Aljawharah Ibrahim AlJunaydil (Doctoral Candidate, Special Educational), Dr. Elisabeth Kutscher Poster Session & e-Lightening Ed-Talk: Looking at Factors Affecting Stress and Resilience |
1:30-3:00 pm Exhibit Hall Level, Exhibit Hall F | Dr. Lisa Rice, Xinxia Li, Stacey Martino (Doctoral Candidates, Special Education) Poster Session: Division D Graduate Student Committee In-Progress Research Gala Poster Session |
1:30-3:00 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3 | Dr. Tal Vaizman (CASJE Research Fellow) Roundtable Session: Critical Explorations of Identity, Racial Trauma, and Human Experience in Arts Education |
5:10-6:40 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 707 | Chair + Presenter |
7:00-8:30 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 710 | Keynote Panelist |
Session Time + Location | Session Information |
9:50-11:20 am Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1 | Chair |
9:50-11:20 am Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1 | Roundtable Session: Centering Disability in Redefining Research Paradigms |
9:50-11:20 am Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3 | Chair |
11:40 am-1:10 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3 | Dr. Esther Friedman (CASJE Research Fellow) Roundtable Session: Investigations of Teaching Contexts in the Lives of Teachers |
1:30-3:00 pm Ballroom Level, Four Seasons Ballroom 1 | Roundtable Session: Empowering Community and Building Multicultural Future |
1:30-3:00 pm Meeting Room Level, Room 610 | Dr. Lisa Rice, Dr. Melissa Boston (EdD '23) Paper Session: Global Perspectives and Experiences of Students With Autism or Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities |
Session Time + Location | Session Information |
Virtual Posters Exhibit Hall | iPresentation Session: Division J - Section 2b: College Student Experiences |
Virtual Posters Exhibit Hall | iPresentation Session: SIG-Adult Literacy and Adult Education |
GSEHD Salons & Reception
GSEHD and Dean Michael Feuer will host three salon events during the conference. Speakers, locations and times to follow.
- Transforming Education in Azerbaijan: Lessons for Global Education Diplomacy (Friday morning)
- Civic Education and Democracy: Priorities and Prospects (Friday afternoon)
- Advancing Justice in a Multiracial Democracy (Saturday morning)
GSEHD Reception
Friday, April 25 | 7-8:30 pm
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center, Fourth Floor, Capitol Ballroom 5