Graduate Certificate in Brain Injury and Transition Services

Improving Systems through Evidence-Based Practice

Our online Graduate Certificate in Brain Injury: Educational and Transition Services is a specialized program designed to prepare interdisciplinary professionals for teaching, leadership, and support roles working with individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and other neurological disorders. The program focuses on the transition process for these individuals that need support in reintegrating into their communities or successfully transitioning to postsecondary opportunities, as well as how to support families during the transition process.

The program builds an understanding of the neurobiology of TBIs and the implications of sustaining an injury at different points in life. Students learn about the assessment and treatment of injuries, and prepare to develop responsive learning environments.





Scholar-Practitioner Faculty
Designed by leaders in the field of secondary special education, transition and acquired brain injury, the program provides a leading education and mentorship from an interdisciplinary team of faculty that bring diverse professional experiences and field expertise in K-12 and adult service systems.


Accessible + Flexible
All coursework is completed fully online through asynchronous learning experiences and synchronous sessions one a week (held in late afternoons and evenings, Monday-Thursday), to accommodate the schedules of working professionals.


Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Throughout the program, collaborate and engage in discussions and rigorous project-based learning experiences with students, faculty and leading experts in the field. Explore new frontiers in transition services with peers across the country working in diverse roles in schools, agencies, and community organizations.




The GW Advantage

Even as an online student, a GW education is unlike any other. Take advantage of our unique location in the heart of our nation’s capital and benefit from the University’s extraordinary access to leading national and international organizations.

The program’s practice-focused curriculum empowers students to master in-demand skills through real-world application. Students will complete a practicum experience that provides the opportunity to work with individuals with TBIs in a supervised setting.





 Program at a Glance

Degree Awarded:

Graduate Certificate in Brain Injury and Transition Services


Special Education and Disability Studies

Course Delivery:


Program Entry:

Spring, Summer, Fall


The following requirements must be fulfilled: 15 credits in required courses.

SPED 6223 Introduction to Brain Injury: Programs, Policies, and Resources
SPED 6224 Brain Function and Impact of Brain Injury on Learning and Education
SPED 6231 Evidence-Based Instructional Practices in Secondary Transition
SPED 6240 Family Support and Guidance in Special Education
SPED 6255 Collaboration with Diverse Youth, Families, and Stakeholders
Program Outcomes

After completing this certificate program, you will be better prepared to:

  • Support the development of high-quality transition programs and services that empower youth with brain injuries to achieve successful post-school outcomes.
  • Drive effective transition planning and service coordination for youth with brain injuries as they transition between placements, levels of support and onward to success in post-school life.
  • Capitalize on the power of family engagement and collaboration across systems to build capacity to support transitioning youth and their families as they prepare academic and post-school success.




Master's Degree Offered


rehabilitation counselor assists man in wheelchair with task on laptop - photo credit: Freepik

Interdisciplinary Secondary Transition Services

Become an advocate for at-risk youth and youth with disabilities, inspiring and empowering them to make successful life transitions through high school to post-secondary education, employment, and independent adulthood. Develop expertise in the design, implementation, and continuous improvement of transition planning and programming to empower students and young adults with disabilities in successfully transitioning to postsecondary opportunities.

Learn more >



 Apply Now

The GC in Brain Injury and Transition Services program is not currently accepting applications. For more information or to inquire about similar programs, contact the GSEHD Admissions Team at or 202-994-9283.

Schedule Consultation with Admissions Coach   

To be considered for admission, applicants must submit the online application form as well as the following required supporting documents. There is no application fee.

  • Prerequisite: Bachelor's Degree

  • Resume

  • Transcripts from all previously attended colleges or universities

  • Statement of Purpose

  • Two Letters of Recommendation

*Additional application requirements may exist for international applicants.



 Tuition & Financial Aid


We know embarking upon graduate school is a big decision - due in part to the costs of attending. At GW, we understand the time and thought behind making graduate school work for you. Please take a moment to learn more about the options and opportunities available to help fund your graduate education.

Learn more about scholarships, grants & financial aid   

Graduate tuition is charged per credit hour, unless otherwise noted. Rates vary by program and location.

The tuition rate* for the Graduate Certificate in Brain Injury and Transition Services program is $970 per credit hour.

This program requires 15 credits.

Please note: Additional fees may apply for international students, late fees, etc. Current tuition rates may be updated during the year.

*Summer 2024, Fall 2024 and Spring 2025

View the current fee chart    





 Career Outlook

This certificate is designed for passionate professionals who are ready to take a step forward in their careers with a challenging, practice-based online curriculum. After completing the program, you will be better prepared to expand your responsibilities within your current role and have the skills to support the implementation of effective transition programming for the diverse strengths and needs of youth with acquired brain injuries.

Potential Employment Settings
young tutor assists middle school student on computer - Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be prepared to work in a variety of settings, including:

  • hospitals
  • rehabilitation centers
  • community-based programs
  • schools



Program Faculty

Dr. Beth Tuckwiller headshot
Dr. Beth Tuckwiller

Department Chair and Associate Professor, Special Education and Disability Studies

(202) 994-9860