Feuer Consideration
Feuer Consideration is a blog by Dr. Michael Feuer, Dean of the George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development. It includes highlights of his publishings, speeches, and thoughts related to key topics in higher education.
My Visit to the Institute for Educational Leadership
Dean Feuer posted a guest blog on the Huffington Post highlighting a speech he provided at the Institute for Educational Leadership. -
E Pluribus Unum
Transcript of Dean Feuer's keynote talk at the 2017 International Education Week hosted by ADA University in Baku, Azerbaijan -
Look Through Your Windshields - 2017 GSEHD Commencement Address
Dean Feuer shares the transcript of his 2017 GSEHD commencement speech, titled "Look Through Your Windshields." -
150 Years of Working for Educational Justice: The U.S. Experience
GSEHD hosted 95 international Fulbright students for a Fulbright Enrichment Seminar entitled "Overcoming Barriers to Quality Education in the 21st Century." -
Betsy DeVos Had a Rough Start. But 6 Steps Can Make Her Tenure Bearable.
Dean Feuer shared a link to The Hill for his response to the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. -
The Politics of Charity
GSEHD Dean Michael Feuer shared a link to his 2016 op ed in the Huffington Post titled, 'The Politics of Charity.' -
Weather Opportunity
Feuer shares the intro of a paper on how observing how society manages events like a snowstorm, we may learn about the costs and benefits of education reform. -
Fall Semester Reflections
Dr. Feuer reflects back on the Fall 2015 semester at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development in this 'Feuer Consideration' post. -
Polling Alone
Dean Michael Feuer shared a 'Feuer Consideration' blog post he wrote regarding the Phi Delta Kappan/Gallup poll. -
Evaluating Teaching: The Promise and the Pitfalls
Dean Feuer provided the following communication regarding current events, including the ruling in the Vergara case, the Dept of Ed's ranking system, and more.