University Operating Status Update for Jan. 7

Due to winter weather, all GW physical campuses and centers are closed on Jan. 7, with staff teleworking or in person and remote classes at faculty discretion. See Campus Advisories for important details regarding classes, work schedules, and services.

Dr. Scott Beveridge

 Dr. Scott Beveridge headshot

Dr. Scott Beveridge

Associate Professor, Counseling and Human Development

School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development

Department: Counseling and Human Development


Office Phone: (202) 994-2473

Dr. Beveridge began working as a rehabilitation counselor in the private-for-profit sector in 1989. He is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Maryland with the supervisory credential (LCPC-S), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Disability Management Specialist (CDMS), and a Diplomate for the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE-D). He began his academic career at the University of Maryland in 2004 as a Research Associate Professor and joined the George Washington University in 2007 as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Beveridge has authored over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles, several grants, contributed to five books and has completed 60 regional, national and international presentations. In addition to the above duties, Dr. Beveridge has a private practice providing forensic rehabilitation services in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York and DC. Dr. Beveridge also provides pro bono mental health and career counseling for veterans via Give an Hour.

Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park

A.G.S., The University of Maryland

M.A., Towson State University

B.S., Towson State University

Beveridge, S., Karpen, S., Hadjiyane, M., Weiss, B., & Liu, X. (2014). A mixed-methods case study of an online forensic rehabilitation counseling graduate certificate program. The Rehabilitation Professional, 22(2), 149-162.

Beveridge, S., Karpen, S. (2014). Online Distance Education: The JDJP program increases the learning capacity of under-represented rehabilitation counseling professionals. Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, 15(1), 18-24.

Beveridge, S., McDaniel, R., & Karpen, S. (2014). Forensic rehabilitation and case management. In D. Edwards (Ed.) A Case Study Approach to Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling. Linn Creek, MO: Aspen Professional Services.

Beveridge, S., Karpen, S., & France, K. (2013). Importance and frequency ratings of ethical dilemmas experienced by forensic, private and public sector rehabilitation counselors. The Rehabilitation Professional, 21(2), 29-44.

Beveridge, S., & McDaniel, R. (2013). Forensic Rehabilitation. In D. Strauser (2013). Career Development, Employment, and Disability: From Theory to Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Beveridge, S. (2011). George Washington University’s forensic rehabilitation counseling program. The Vocational Expert, 26(1), 11.

Beveridge, S. (2011). American board of vocational expert’s program evaluation survey results. Journal of Forensic Rehabilitation Abstracts, 1(2), 124.

Schwallie-Giddis, P., & Beveridge, S. (2010). Don’t expect complete rebound in jobs picture in short term. Solutions Outlook 2010, 6(2), 58-59.

Beveridge, S. (2010). Forensic rehabilitation counseling at the George Washington University. The Rehabilitation Professional, 18(3).

Fabian, E., Beveridge, S., & Ethridge, G., (2009). Differences in perceptions of career barriers and supports for people with disabilities by demographic, background and case status factors. Journal of Rehabilitation, 75, 41-49.

  • August 2024 - Dr. Scott Beveridge was nominated and elected as the next Editor of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP) peer-reviewed journal, The Rehabilitation Professional. He will serve a three-year term in this position. Read the IARP announcement on page 3 of the Rehab Express newsletter >
  • March 2024 - Dr. Scott Beveridge recently presented a study, "The American Board of Vocational Experts Longitudinal Salary Survey," in Memphis, Tennessee at the ABVE Annual Conference. This research examines the earning capacity of rehabilitation counselors in private practice. It was completed with a Counseling and Human Development doctoral candidate Emily Decker and master's student Lingi Zhu. This research will be published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis in a few weeks.