Dr. Scott Beveridge, along with GSEHD Counseling alumni Drs. Jeff DiNardo, Kharod France, and Christian Chan and doctoral candidate Courtney Glickman (Counseling), published an article in the Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling entitled, "Ethical Concerns and Clinical Judgments Related to the Use of Psychometric Assessments for Rehabilitation Counselors."
Per the abstract:
This study investigated how rehabilitation counselors integrated their use of psychometric instruments into clinical practice. The primary aim was to determine how psychometric instruments interact with clinical judgment during assessment as well as what ethical concerns practitioners have. The sample consisted of 228 participants from the International Association for Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP) and the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), whom responded to an electronic survey distributed through listservs. Participants responded to a quantitative section regarding overall assessment use, followed-up by a qualitative section with open response prompts. Results provided a preliminary investigation into the selection of psychometric assessments utilized by rehabilitation counselors and the degree to which this process affects ethical and clinical judgment. These findings, in consideration with previous literature, highlight the need for improved training on the selection and utilization of psychometric assessments.