Dr. Maggie Parker, Associate Professor of Counseling and Human Development, GSEHD alumna Alex Ostrander (master's, School Counseling), doctoral candidate Emily Decker (Counseling), and Dr. Sarah Ray, Assistant Professor of Human and Organizational Learning, published an article in the Journal of School-Based Counseling Policy and Evaluation titled, "Teachers’ Referral Practices: Opportunities for School Counselor Advocacy."
Per the abstract:
Using Consensual Qualitative Research, researchers examined teachers’ experiences in the student referral process, specifically how they determined when and to whom a referral should be made. Results indicate that teachers actively work to engage students and families in strong relationships to avoid referrals, that certain behaviors are more likely to result in specific referrals (e.g., externalizing to discipline). Implications for school counselors and school counseling advocacy and limitations of this study are discussed.