Dr. Cseh, GSEHD Alumnus & Doctoral Student Publish Chapter in Book

January 22, 2020

Dr. Maria Cseh, Associate Professor of Human and Organizational Learning, GSEHD alumnus Dr. Oliver (Ozzie) S. Crocco (Ed.D., Human and Organizational Learning), and doctoral student Chilanay Safarli (Ed.D., Human and Organizational Learning) worked together to produce a chapter for inclusion in a book. The chapter is titled, “Teaching for Globalization: Implications for Knowledge Management in Organizations.” It makes up pages 105-118 in the book, Connecting Adult Learning and Knowledge Management: Strategies for Learning and Change in Higher Education and Organizations, by M. Fedeli & L. L. Bierema.

Per the book description: 

This multidisciplinary book represents an initial attempt to connect adult learning and knowledge management in theory and practice. It provides educators, learners and organizational development professionals with new strategies and resources for developing active and effective pedagogies, which in turn prepare learners and practitioners to manage knowledge in organizations and higher education. To do so, it gathers contributions and case studies from a diverse, global team of authors and provides a theoretical and practical outline of new strategies and methods for facilitating adult teaching and learning. It also provides a fresh reading of active learning methods, by adopting a knowledge management viewpoint that is broadly applicable, whether helping students master content in university courses, or helping organizations learn and change.

The book is divided into three main sections: a) methods and theories for adult teaching and learning; b) knowledge management in education; and c) case studies and best practices that consider classroom learning, higher education change, and organization development.