Dr. Mikyong Minsun Kim

Dr. Mikyong Kim headshot

Dr. Mikyong Minsun Kim

Associate Professor, Higher Education Administration

School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development

Department: Educational Leadership


Office Phone: (202) 994-3205

Dr. Mikyong Minsun Kim has served in faculty positions at the University of Arizona – Tucson and the University of Missouri - Columbia.

Dr. Kim has testified on the effectiveness of historically Black colleges and universities before the United States Commission on Civil Rights. She has served as a grant panelist and consultant for the National Science Foundation. She currently serves on the editorial board for The Review of Higher Education.

Her teaching and research interests include equity and opportunity issues, higher education policy, college impact, finance in higher education, organizational analysis, comparative higher education, and bridging K-12, higher education, and work. She has published her research findings in numerous scholarly journals including The Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, and The Review of Higher Education.

Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles

M.A. University of California, Los Angeles

Kim, M. M. (2023). Asian Faculty’s (Dis)Satisfaction: Workload and Compensation, Journal of Professoriate, 14, 73-97.

Kim, M. M. & Kutscher, E. L. (2021). College Students with Disabilities: Factors Influencing Growth in Academic Ability and Confidence. Research in Higher Education, 62, 309–33, DOI: 10.1007/s11162-020-09595-8 (Online First published in May, 2020). 

Kim, M. M. & Kutscher, E. L. (2020) College Students with Disabilities: Factors Influencing Growth in Academic Ability and Confidence. Research in Higher Education. DOI 10.1007/s11162-020-09595-8 (Online First). (SSCI journal)

Amani, M. & Kim, M. M. (2019). Enhancing Study Abroad Engagement and Choice of Destination at Community Colleges, Chapter 9, 131–146. In Raby, R. & Malveaux, G. (Eds.) Study Abroad Opportunities for Community College Students and Strategies for Global Learning. IGI-Global Publisher. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6252-8.ch009.

Kim, M. M. & Ko, J. (2018). Issues in Adult and Continuing Education in Higher Education Institutions in the U.S., Asian Education Review, 2(2), 86–101.

Amani, M. & Kim, M. M. (2018). Study Abroad Participation at Community Colleges: Students’ Decision and Influential Factors. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 42(10), 678–692, DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2017.1352544. (Online-first published in August, 2017).

Kim, M. M. (2016, November 25). Making college affordable again. The Baltimore Sun, p. 19. 

Han, S., Kim, M. M., & Chae, J. (2015). Korean lifelong education strategic planning and the higher education system: Global perspectives. Seoul, Korea: The Ministry of Education.

Kim, M. M. (2015). Peer tutoring in colleges and universities. College and University, 90 (4), 2-7.

Kim, M. M., & Ko, J. (2015). The Impacts of State Control Policies on College Tuition Increase. Educational Policy, 29(5), 815-838. (An initial on-line version published in February 2014.) [Social Science Citation Index journal (SSCI)] (Ranked #1 most-read article in Educational Policy in October and November 2015; #1 most-read between December 2016 and October 2017; #1-2 most-read for 12 months in 2017-2018; #3 most-read for six months 2019-2020).

San Miguel, A., & Kim, M. M. (2014). Successful Latina scientists and engineers: Their lived mentoring experiences and career development. (On-line first - published in June.) Journal of Career Development. (SSCI)

Moakler, M., & Kim, M. M. (2014). College major choice in STEM: Revisiting confidence and demographic factors. Career Development Quarterly, 62, 128-143. (SSCI)

Yook, E., & Kim, M. M. (2014). Reflecting on assessment results to inform communication center tutor training and hiring. The Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness, 3 (2), 140-156.

Noda, A., & Kim, M. M. (2014). Learning experiences and gains from continuing professional education and their applicability to work for Japanese government officials. Studies in Higher Education, 39 (6). (On-line first - published in January 2013.) (SSCI)

Kim, M. M., Yook, E. L., & Chuang, Y. (2013). Asian faculty’s roles and satisfaction in US academia. (Chapter 12) In E. L. Yook (Ed.), Culture shock for Asians in US academia: Breaking the model minority myth. Lexington Books, NY.

Noda, A., & Kim, M. M. (2013). Continuing professional education for Japanese government officials: Study destinations and motivational factors. International Public Administration. 36 (8), 544-555.

Kim, M. M., & Williams, B. (2012). Lived employment experiences of college students and graduates with physical disabilities in the United States. Disability and Society, 27 (6), 837-852. (SSCI)

Kim, M. M. (2011). Early career earnings of African American students: The impacts of attendance in historically Black versus White colleges and universities. Journal of Negro Education, 80 (4), 505-520. (SSCI)

Kim, M. M., & Cummings, W. (2011). Faculty time allocation for teaching and research in Korea and the United States: A comparative perspective. Korean Social Science Journal, 38 (1), 1-40.

Kim, M. M. and Clifton F. Conrad. (2006) The Impact of Historically Black Colleges and Universities on the Academic Success of African-American Students. Research in Higher Education, 47(4), 399–427. (SSCI)

Kim, M. M., Richard L. Andrews, and Deborah L. Carr. (2004) Traditional versus Integrated Pre-service Teacher Education Curriculum: A Case Study. The Journal of Teacher Education, 55(4), 341–356. (SSCI)

Kim, M. M. (2004) The Experience of African-American Students in Historically Black Institutions. The NEA Higher Education Journal: Thought and Action, XX(1), 107–124.

Kim, M. M. and M. Placier. (2004) Comparison of Academic Development in Catholic versus Non-Catholic Private Secondary Schools. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 12 (5).

Kim, M. M., Rhoades, G. and D. Woodard. (2003). Sponsored Research versus Graduating Students?: Intervening Variables and Unanticipated Findings in Public Research Universities. Research in Higher Education, 44 (1), 51–81. (SSCI)

Kim, M. M. (2002). Cultivating Intellectual Development: Comparing Women-Only Colleges and Coeducational Colleges for Educational Effectiveness. Research in Higher Education, 43 (4), 447–481. (SSCI)

Kim, M. M. (2002). Historically Black vs. White Institutions: Academic Development among Black Students. The Review of Higher Education, 25 (4), 385–407. (SSCI)

Kim, M. M. (2001). Institutional Effectiveness of Women-Only Colleges: Cultivating Students’ Desire to Influence Social Conditions. The Journal of Higher Education, 72 (3), 287–321. (SSCI)

  • June 2023Dr. Mikyong Minsun Kim presented “Higher Education Finance and the Roles of Government in the United States” for the theme of The Regional Education, Local Finance, and Innovation at the International Conference sponsored by the Korea Institute of Local Finance and Governors Association of the Republic of Korea in Korea in May. She was an invited speaker for the topic and participated in the panel discussion with three Korean Associations in Seoul, Korea.