Meghan Hollibaugh Baker

Master Teacher, GWTeach

School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development

Department: GWTeach


Meghan Hollibaugh Baker is a Master Teacher for GWTeach. She studied at St. Lawrence University in NY where she earned a B.S. in Biology and minored in Education, allowing her to graduate with teacher certification, similar to the GWTeach program model. She was awarded a fellowship to complete her M.A. in General Education at St. Lawrence University, while co-teaching undergraduate education courses. She currently holds K-12 educator certifications in biology, general science, and building-level administration in NY and RI. Meghan has spent her teaching career in urban school districts focused on closing achievement gaps and creating equitable opportunities for all students. Prior to joining the GWTeach team, Meghan taught high school biology, where she served in various leadership roles, before becoming an assistant principal at the middle school level. She completed her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership at Johnson & Wales University in RI in 2015, with her research focused on the relationship between educational technology, student self-efficacy, and academic achievement. Meghan teaches Step 1, Step 2, and Classroom Interactions, and facilitates field experiences for GWTeach students.



  • Teacher Preparation
  • Educational Leadership
  • K-12 School Administration
  • Biology Teacher
  • 7-12 Curriculum Development