Master Class: The Role of an Equity-Centered School Leader
Dr. Jennifer Clayton
Department Chair and Professor, Educational Leadership
School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Department: Educational Leadership
Dr. Jennifer K. Clayton is a Professor of Educational Leadership and Administration. She serves as the department chair for the Educational Leadership programs within the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. She teaches courses to doctoral and graduate students in school leadership, support and development of teachers, and writing/research.
Dr. Clayton's research on leadership development, the educational administration internship, and professional learning for school leaders has appeared in more than 40 publications. She has delivered more than 50 presentations to school districts and research conferences. Dr. Clayton has been nominated for several teaching awards at GW, including the Bender Teaching Award during the 2017-2018 academic year and the Honey Nashman Spark-A-Life award.
Prior to her work in higher education, Dr. Clayton served as a Social Studies teacher and in administrative roles in several school districts around the country. She holds a Ph.D. and Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Educational Leadership from Old Dominion University, a M.A. in Educational Administration from Rutgers University, and a B.A. in History, with minors in Secondary Education and Sociology from James Madison University.
Ph.D., Old Dominion University
M.A., Rutgers University
B.A., James Madison University
Thessin, R. A., Tekleselassie, A. A., Trimmer, L. B., Shepard, S. D., & Clayton, J. K. (2024). Leveraging a Candidate Assessment System to Develop an Equity-Centered School Leadership Pipeline Through a University–District Partnership. Education Sciences, 14(12), 1408.
Clayton, J. & Thessin, R. (2017) Voices of educational administration internship mentors, Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 25:3, 291-308, DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2017.1364836
Clayton, J., Jamison, K., Briggs, A., & Tekleselassie, A. (2017). Linking Research to Clinical Practice: Insights from the Transformational Pathways in Administrator Preparation program in one Mid-Atlantic Private University. Educational Planning, 24(3), 45-60.
Clayton, J., & Thessin, R. (2016). Learning from our Graduates and Interns: Examining
Graduate and Student Experiences in the Education Administration Internship. Educational Leadership Review, 17(6),17-42.