Student, Micha Aime, Awarded National Security Education Program Boren Fellowship

September 4, 2024

Micha Aime poses for photo with city skyline in the distance

GSEHD student (Master's, International Education) and UNESCO Fellow Micha Aime won a 2024-2025 National Security Education Program (NSEP) Boren Fellowship to study in South Korea. The NSEP Boren Award is a highly competitive Defense Language and National Security Education Office initiative through the Department of Defense. To earn placement, applicants must prove their geographic region, language, and area of study is (or should be) a critical focus of U.S. national security and commit to working in positions throughout the federal government like the Department of State, Defense, Homeland Security or USAID, after completing their language programming.

Ms. Aime was awarded a placement in South Korea to study for a year after showcasing the parallels of migrant education in the US and Korea. She will study at Donnguk University at the Institute of International Language in Seoul, South Korea. Her goal while in Korea, besides learning the language, is to deepen her understanding of migrant and multicultural student experiences. Her goal afterward is to work in a position that supports education and exchange initiatives between the US and Korea.

She will begin her time as a Boren Fellow in mid-September after completing an internship at the Asia Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding, a UNESCO Category 2 office. There, she has learned deeply about Korea and the Asia Pacific initiatives to strengthen their education systems with global citizenship education. She is delighted to extend her stay in South Korea after completing the UNESCO fellows program.