The Future of Education Entrepreneurship {Recording}

Tue, 31 January, 2023 4:00pm - 5:00pm
open book with illustrations of academic related items rising from it

Washington, DC is a well-known political hub, but few realize that it is also a locus of education innovation. In this virtual panel event, meet researchers across GW who are working to understand how entrepreneurship takes form, domestically and internationally. Panelists will explore the role of research creating policy that supports innovation, and forecast opportunities and challenges presented by entrepreneurial interests in education.

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Dr. Eran Barak-Medina headshot

Dr. Eran Barak-Medina
Visiting Researcher, Human-Technology Collaboration Lab

As recent director of the Israel Ministry of Education’s “AI in Education” lab, Dr. Barak-Medina led the development of a research and policy agenda on artificial intelligence in education. Dr. Barak-Medina is also a consultant for educational strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Dr. Yoshie Tomozumi Nakamura headshot

Dr. Yoshie Nakamura
Assistant Professor of Human and Organizational Learning, GSEHD

Dr. Nakamura is a leading scholar of women’s leadership development and social entrepreneurship in Japan. Prior to joining the GW faculty, Dr. Nakamura directed the Neuroscience to Enhance Leadership Development program and Future of Learning Forum at Columbia University.

Dr. Ekundayo Shittu headshot

Dr. Ekundayo Shittu
Associate Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, GW School of Engineering and Applied Science

Dr. Shittu leads multiple efforts at GW to understand how to incorporate entrepreneurial skills into the undergraduate engineering curriculum, including recent projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN). He is the faculty lead for NSF’s Mid-Atlantic I-Corps Hub, a member of the National Innovation Network (a tightly connected organization of I-Corps Hubs, Nodes, and Sites across the US), and has participated in two NSF I-Corps Teams projects.

Moderated by:

Dr. Ryan Watkins, Director of the GW Educational Technology Leadership Program and Lead of the Human-Technology Collaboration Research Team

Virtual Event

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