GSEHD student InJung Cho (Ph.D. in Education, Comparative and International Education concentration) published a peer-reviewed book review in the journal, International Studies in Sociology of Education. Ms. Cho reviewed the 2022 book by John Richards, Manzoor Ahmed, and Shahidul Islam titled, The political economy of education in South Asia: fighting poverty, inequality, and exclusion.
Read the full article by Cho >
About the Author: InJung Cho is a second-year Ph.D. student in Education at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development, The George Washington University. She is a co-chair of the Youth Development and Education Special Interest Group (YDESIG) at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). She was also a global citizenship educator at the Korea International Development Cooperation Center’s World Friends Korea Volunteer program, an intern at UNESCO Bangkok, and an outreach coordinator for the FreshEd podcast. Her research focuses on how educational spaces both form and are being formed by learner identities in the urban slums of Jakarta, Indonesia.