Alumna Dr. Julie Lindsay (master's, Educational Technology Leadership) is a Senior Education Technology Advisor at University of Southern Queensland. With more than 35 years of experience spanning K-12 schools and higher education, Dr. Lindsay is a passionate advocate for the integration of educational technologies and innovative pedagogies to drive digital transformation for teaching and learning. She was recently a guest on the Silver Lining for Learning podcast's 216th episode titled, "Preparing Educators for Online Global Collaborative Learning."
Per the episode description:
Are you curious with how we might ‘flatten’ the learning landscape to provide student choice, accessibility, and equivalence through multiple global learning opportunities? If so, you are in luck. While humans reemerge in a post-COVID world to begin to learn again with other humans face-to-face as well as online and blended, educators continue to struggle with facilitating effective cross-institutional learning where students learn with their peers, not just about things. Online global collaboration encourages students to learn with others from different cultures; unfortunately, such powerful forms of global education are not typically embedded into formal curricula in higher education. In Episode #216 of Silver Lining for Learning (SLL), we will learn about innovative forms of online collaboration from Dr. Julie Lindsay who is Senior Education Technology Advisor at University of Southern Queensland. As Dr. Lindsay will discuss in this episode, we can do better. In fact, as she describes in an October 2024 article in the Times Higher Education, well-designed online global collaborative learning (OGCL) has been found to transform learning and enhance skills such as effective communication, intercultural awareness, and global perspectives. With that article as a backdrop, she will also explain how we can better prepare educators to collaborate globally. During this podcast, we will discuss the possible impact of AI on learning and teaching in higher education and why alternative approaches to learning and assessment are now vital.
Dr. Lindsay also wrote a blog post about the topic titled, "Online Global Collaborative Learning - Exploring the Silver Lining."