Integrating Generative AI into Teaching Practice with Dr. Kutscher

August 29, 2024

screenshot of a video featuring Elisabeth Kutscher sitting in front of a gray background. A blue bar is overlayed with her name and title "assistant professor, special education and disability studies, Graduate School of Education and Human Development"

Dr. Elisabeth Kutscher, assistant professor in GSEHD's Department of Special Education and Disability Studies, was interviewed for the GW Libraries' video, "Integrating Generative AI into Teaching Practice." Learn how Dr. Kutscher has used genAI (i.e. OpenAI ChatGPT) with her students to develop lesson plans in combination with course materials to refine and develop lesson plans further. We also hear how she sets expectations with students.

Dr. Kutscher has found the feedback on the lesson planning exercise to be very positive. She states, "I think that using AI in education settings is an opportunity. I think that this is not going away, and so, this is an opportunity for us to really work with students and help them learn how they can use these tools effectively."

The GW Libraries and Academic Innovation created this video as part of a series highlighting faculty and staff at GW who are leading a way forward in this evolution of education. Learn more about how they've begun to integrate generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) tools in ways that enhance their teaching and the student learning experience.

Watch the full video >