GSEHD Faculty and Alumna Organize First International Inclusive Education Symposium in Ghana

May 3, 2024

group photo of participants and their students at the International Inclusive Education Symposium

Drs. Doran Gresham and Laura Engel collaborated with GSEHD alumna Elaine Walton, (master's, International Education) to organize the inaugural International Inclusive Education Symposium (IIES). This engaging workshop brought together 50 educators in Navrongo, Ghana, for a lively and interactive discussion. The virtual symposium, a first of its kind, encouraged participants to reflect on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in their academic environments. The cohort explored best practices for students with exceptionalities and strategies to enhance collective teacher efficacy. A special thanks goes to Mr. Tom Gweru and our esteemed guests for their contributions in making this international initiative a success.

The event was hosted in partnership with the GW UNESCO Chair, the GSEHD International Education Program, The Ghana Education Service: Kassena-Nankana Municipal, and Tiina Jori Ko Ba: Hope Restored Community Outreach.

Participants at the International Inclusive Education Symposium work in groups
participant at International Inclusive Education Symposium looks at notes and writes on a large sheet on the wall