GSEHD Programs Collaborate in Shared Seminar: Crisis Management in Today's Schools

November 14, 2023

Principal Jamie Borg (far left) and Dr. Mary DeRaedt (far right) with GSEHD Elementary Ed Students

Principal Jamie Borg (far left) and Dr. Mary DeRaedt (far right) with GSEHD Elementary Ed Students

Dr. Sylven Beck and Elementary Education students hosted a seminar, “Crisis Management in Today’s Schools,” at GSEHD's partner school Glebe Elementary School in Arlington. Principal Jamie Borg, and GSEHD Director of the School Counseling program, Dr. Mary DeRaedt, co-presented on-site on strategies to help children cope in these unsettling times. This is a topic of interest for both GSEHD's Counseling and Elementary Education programs given today’s school climate, and both Dr. Beck and Dr. DeRaedt agreed it was an opportune moment for such a collaboration between their two programs.