Dr. Sharon Dannels

Dr. Sharon Dannels
Associate Dean for Doctoral Studies; Associate Professor, Educational Research
School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Sharon Dannels, PhD is an Associate Professor of Educational Research and is currently serving as the Associate Dean for Doctoral Studies. She previously served for more than five years as the department chair for the Department of Educational Leadership. Her undergraduate work was in sociology and social work and she holds master’s degrees in clinical social work and psychology. Her PhD is in experimental psychology (biological basis of personality) and she completed post-doctoral study in internal medicine.
Her research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods. She has contributed to the research and served as the evaluator for a wide range of grant-funded projects--training interpreters to work with deaf clients with atypical language; work of the Educational Facilities Clearinghouse; emergency preparedness in public schools; and leadership programs designed to develop the leadership potential of midcareer women faculty in academic medicine, engineering, and STEM fields in higher education. She has also consulted with the Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Department of Accountability.
Dr. Dannels teaches doctoral-level statistics and research design courses and has served on a large number of doctoral dissertation committees. She wrote the chapter on research design for the widely used text The Reviewer’s Guide to Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (Hancock & Mueller, Eds., 2010) and expanded the original text for the second edition (2019).
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
M.S., Psychology, University of Oklahoma
M.S.W., University of Wisconsin
B.A., Whittier College
- Evaluation
- Multiple Comparison Procedures
- Research Design
- Survey Design
Sample of Presentations
Magrane, D., Morahan, P.S., Dannels, S. A., & Ambrose, S. (2018). Developing a more diverse workforce for academic STEM: Executive leader perceptions. Research paper presented at the 2018 Helen I. Moorehead-Laurencin, MD, Sex and Gender Research Forum.
Dannels, S. A., Tekleselassie, A., & Lemasters, L. K. (October, 2014). Academic program review as a planning tool in higher education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Educational Planning (ISEP), Kyrenia, North Cyprus.
Seals, B., Magrane, D., Dannels, S. A., Ambrose, S., Dan, N., Luo, W., & Morahan, P. S. (November, 2014). Development of leadership confidence and valuing of skills: Outcomes of a national leadership program for senior academic women. Paper presented at the 142nd American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Seals, B., Magrane, D., Dannels, S. A., Dan, N., Ambrose, S., Luo, W., & Morahan, P. S. (October 2014). Sponsorship and mentorship for academic leadership: Key informant interviews. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association (AEA), Denver, CO.
Sample of Publications
Ford, A., Dannels, S. A., Morahan, P., & Magrane, D. (2021). Leadership programs for academic women: Building self-efficacy and organizational leadership capacity. Journal of Women’s Health, 30 (5), 672–680.
Magrane D., Morahan P.S., Ambrose S., & Dannels S. A. (2018). Competencies and practices in academic engineering leadership development: Lessons from a national survey. Social Sciences 7 (171). doi:10.3390/socsci7100171.
Choi, J., Kim, S., Chen, J., & Dannels, S. A. (2011). A comparison of maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation for polychoric correlation using Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 36(4), 523 -549.
Dannels, S. A., Yamagata, H., McDade, S. A, Chuang, Y., Gleason, K. A., McLaughlin, J. M., Richman, R. C., & Morahan, P. S. (2008). Evaluating a leadership program: A comparative, longitudinal study to assess the impact of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women. Academic Medicine 83(5), 488 - 495.