Dr. Patricia Tate

Dr. Patricia Tate
Associate Professor Emerita, Curriculum and Pedagogy
School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Department: Curriculum and Pedagogy
Dr. Tate is an Associate Professor Emerita of Curriculum and Pedagogy. Her scholarship focuses on practitioner research and self-study of professional development for university supervisors and ethical supervisory practices in development of the teacher candidate.
Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park
M.Ed., George Mason University
B.S., Old Dominion University
Tate, P.S., Kochhar-Bryant, C.A., Wise, S.M., O’Neill, V.P., Sloan, K.J., & Whitson, J. (2017). Opening the black box: Self-study clinical practices in educator preparation. In Ryan Flessner and Debra R. Lecklider (Eds.), The power of clinical preparation in teacher education, pp. 87-103, New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Tate, P.S., Jarrett, M.H., Lawlor, A.C., Page, L.M., & Ramsey, A.S. (2008). Supervisors of teacher interns: Building a learning community through inquiry-based practices. In Anastasia Samaras, Clive Beck, Anne Freese, and Clare Kosnik (editors). Learning Communities in Practice. Springer Press: The Netherlands.
Tate, P., Pyke, C., Kortecamp, K., & Muskin, C. (2005). Developing an ethical orientation toward supervisory practice through collaborative case writing. Action in Teacher Education, 27( 3), 13-25.
Mauro, L., & Tate, P. (2001). Accessing/assessing the development of beliefs and knowledge about effective teaching in prospective teachers: A practical inquiry. Action in Teacher Education. 22 (4), 75-85.