Dr. Christine Nganga

Dr. Christine Nganga headshot

Dr. Christine Nganga

Associate Professor, Educational Administration

School: Graduate School of Education and Human Development

Department: Educational Leadership, Cross-Disciplinary


Office Phone: (202) 994-0957

Dr. Nganga's research interests include narrative inquiry, inclusive leadership practice with a social justice focus and mentoring theory and practice. She is the recipient of the 2016 Distinguished Research in Teacher Education Award by the Association of Teacher Educators.

Dr. Nganga holds her masters in school administration and doctorate in educational leadership from The University of North Carolina, Greensboro. Prior to joining GW, she was an Assistant Professor at South Dakota State University and has held appointments as a high school and middle school teacher in Kenya.

Ed.D., The University of North Carolina, Greensboro

M.S.A., The University of North Carolina, Greensboro

  • Leadership and Equity for Social Justice
  • Teaching Academic Writing
  • Mentorship including Peer Mentorship
  • Narrative Inquiry
  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Graduate Classrooms
  • Online Curriculum Design

Nganga, C., & Jamison, K. (2023). Learning to lead for equity and social justice through critical reflection and autobiography. Urban Review Journal. doi: 10.1007/s11256-023-00678-1

Nganga, C., Bowne, M., & Stremmel, A. (2020). Mentoring as a developmental identity process. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning28(3), 259–277. https://doi.org/10.1080/13611267.2020.1783498 

Beck, M., & Nganga, C. W. (2016). Narratives of foreign-born international teachers: Implications for dialogic leadership for social justice. Education Leadership Review, 16(3), 58-71.

Thorsos, N., Johnannessen, G., Beck, M., & Nganga, C. (2016). Synergy, care, and constructive chaos: Understanding the dynamics of an international co-mentoring network. In G. Guzman-Johnannessen (Ed.), Mentoring outside politics, policies, and practices in institutions of higher education. New York, NY: Springer.

Douglas T. M. O., & Nganga, C. W. (2015). What’s radical love got to do with it: Navigating identity, pedagogy, and positionality in pre-service education. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 6(1), 58-82.

Stremmel, A. J., Burns, J., Nganga, C. W., & Bertolini, K. (2015). Countering the essentialized discourse of teacher education. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 36(2), 156-174.

Douglas, T. M. O., & Nganga, C. W. (2015). Radical loving, radical leading: Negotiating complex identities, positionalities and pedagogies in social justice work. In A. Osanloo & C. Boske (Eds.), Living the Work: Promoting social justice and equity work in schools around the world. World (Advances in Educational Administration, Volume 23) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 23, 59-85.

Cooper, C. W., Douglas, T. M. O., & Nganga, C. W. (2013). Starting with African American success: A strengths-based approach to transformative educational leadership. In L. C. Tillman & J. J. Scheurich (Eds.), Handbook of research on educational leadership for diversity and equity (pp. 11-33). Routledge.

Nganga, C. W. (2013). Teaching for social justice through embracing identity tensions. In P. G. Boyer & J. D. Davis (Eds.), Social justice and racism in the college classroom: Perspectives from different voices (pp. 13-32). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.

Nganga, C. W. (2013). Identities in transition: Perspectives from ELL international teachers. In C. M. Wilson & S. D. Horsford (Eds.), Bridging cultural divides: How educators advance equity and achievement in America’s diverse schools (pp.123-139). Routledge.

  • November 2022 Dr. Christine Nganga co-authored a book chapter entitled, "Transnational Feminist Understandings of the Neoliberal Recruitment of International Women Teachers of Color," in the Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers, which has been published by American Educational Research Association (AERA). "This handbook is a comprehensive and powerful assemblage of work that looks at research on teachers of color and indigenous teachers. More importantly, it showcases the voices of the next generation of scholars who will lead in this area and push the research and literature to the next level. It is a must-have for teacher educators."—Gloria J. Ladson-Billings 

Dr. Nganga & Alumna Co-Authored Chapter: Social Justice Leadership - Leading through Times of Deportability

Dr. Christine Nganga co-authored a book chapter with GSEHD alumna Dr. Melissa Ledesma (Ed.D., Educational Leadership and Administration).