Dr. Juliana Taymans

Dr. Juliana Taymans
Professor Emerita, Special Education & Disability Studies
Dr. Juliana Taymans is active in transition programming for youth with disabilities.
In collaboration with the HSC foundation, she was responsible for the HEATH Resource Center, which is a national clearinghouse on postsecondary education for individuals with disabilities.
She instituted the Career Investigations for Transitioning Youth (C.I.T.Y.) program, which brings youth with disabilities onto GW’s campus for career exploration and internship experiences. C.I.T.Y. is also a service learning opportunity for GW undergraduates.
Dr. Taymans is nationally known for her work in youth and adult corrections.
She also co-authored cognitive-behavioral intervention programs used in juvenile and adult corrections: Thinking for a Change, Problem Solving Skills in Action, and Decision Points.
Ph.D., University of Maryland
M.A., George Washington University
B.A., University of Maryland
Rice, L. H., Taymans, J. M., Brown, M., & Srsic, A. (2012). Girls with emotional and behavioral disabilities: A call to action. Emotional & Behavioral Disorders in Youth, 12 (1), 89-93.
Taymans, J. M., & Malouf, E. T. (2012). Whose problem is it anyway? Teaching children to deal with interpersonal problems. Report on Emotional & Behavioral Disorders in Youth, 12 (2), 29-56.
Taymans, J. M., & Kosaraju. S. (2012). Introduction to the Journal of Learning Disabilities Special Issue: Adults with learning disabilities in adult education. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45, 3-4.
Taymans, J. M. (2012). Legal and definitional issues affecting the identification and education of adults with specific learning disabilities in adult education programs. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45, 5-16.
Taymans, J. M., Tindle, K., Freund, M., Harris, L., & Ortiz, D. M. (2012). Opening the black box: Influential elements of an effective urban professional development school,
Journal of Urban Education, 47, 224-249.
Lynch, S., Taymans, J., Watson, W., Ochsendorf, R., Pyke, C. & Szesze, M. (2007). Effectiveness of a highly-rated science curriculum unit for students with disabilities in general education classrooms. Exceptional Children, 73 (2), 202-22.