Dr. Jorge Garcia

Dr. Garcia was awarded $2,000,000 in grants from the U.S. Department of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration.
Dr. Garcia is a past President of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) and a Member of the Committee on Rehabilitation Counselor Education Standards. Dr. Garcia serves on the editorial boards for Rehabilitation Education as well as the Journal of Rehabilitation. He has also served as the Co-Chair on the Ethics Committee of the American Counseling Association.
Dr. Garcia received the 2012 American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Research Award, the 2002 "Dr. Bobby Atkins Research Award" from the National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns, as well as the 1992 NCRE Educator of the Year Award.
While a faculty member at GSEHD, he taught courses in the following programs: Doctorate in Counseling, Master's in Rehabilitation Counseling, and Graduate Certificate in Job Development Job Placement.
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
M.S., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
B.A., Universidad Catolica de Chile
Garcia, J., Bardhosi, G., Siblo, M., & Haase, E. (2013). A multicultural empathy scale for school counselors. VISTAS. American Counseling Association.
Curtin, K., & Garcia, J. (2011). Improving work performance for adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders: A comparison of two work-based learning interventions. Journal of Rehabilitation, 77, 31-39.
Garcia, J. (2010). Ethical decision-making models in multicultural rehabilitation counseling. In F. E. Balcazar, Y. Suarez_Balcazar, T. Taylor-Ritzler & C. B. Keys, Race, culture, and disability: Rehabilitation science and practice. Jones and Bartlett.
Garcia, J., Froehlich, R., McGuire-Kuletz, M., & Rejiester, N. (2009). Comparing two training strategies to solve ethical dilemmas. Rehabilitation Education, 23, 223-233.
Garcia, J., Froehlich, R., McGuire-Kuletz, M., & Dave, P. (2008). Evaluation of a transcultural integrative ethical decision-making model. Journal of Rehabilitation, 74, 21-26.
Garcia, J. (2014). A multicultural competence training model. Keynote presentation. Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicologia Clinica y de Salud. Sevilla, Spain.
Beveridge, S., Garcia, J., Siblo, M. (2012). Comparison of ethical dilemmas across private and public rehabilitation settings. Annual NCRE Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Garcia, J., & Siblo, M. (2010). Training on a multicultural empathy supervision scale. National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA.
Beveridge, S., Garcia, J., & Siblo, M. (2010). Comparing ethical dilemmas across the public and private rehabilitation sectors: Preliminary findings. NCRE Conference. Los Angeles, CA.
Garcia, J., & Siblo, M. (2009). Development of a multicultural empathy supervision scale. Annual Conference of the National Association of Multicultural Concerns (NAMRC). Memphis, TN.
Garcia, J., & Rejiester, N. (2009). Ethical dilemma comparisons between the public and private Rehabilitation sector. NAMRC Annual Conference. Memphis, TN.