Creating And Managing A Virtual Orientation

August 5, 2020

GSEHD student and School of Nursing Learning Specialist Tiffany Moy (master's, Educational Technology Leadership) published an article entitled, "Creating And Managing A Virtual Orientation" on

Per the article:

In order to create and manage a virtual orientation, it is important to design a flexible process that will help identify resources, objectives, and stakeholders that will effectively structure an engaging orientation. First, it is essential to use a Learning Management System that will host all modules and resources like Blackboard or Inquisiq. Next, it is recommended to ensure frequent and effective communication with all stakeholders during the development and management of the orientation with the use of Slack or Smartsheet to track updates, send proofs, and build essentials teams.

Tiffany details a multi-step process to creating a virtual orientation, including completing a needs assessment, the design phase, incorporating assessments into the orientation, management of the program, and evaluating the program at the completion.

Additional highlights of the guide include ensuring all course deliverables are accessible, creating opportunities for community engagement for all participants, and ensuring cross-collaboration between all departments involved in the orientation materials.