Fireside Chat with Disability Rights Advocate Emily Ladau

University Seminar: Celebrating Disability as Diversity
Tue, 7 December, 2021 12:00pm - 1:15pm

Virtual Event

Join Emily Ladau, disability rights advocate and author of the recent book Demystifying Disability, and GW student Peyton Wilson for a conversation about disability in higher education -- identity and intersectionality, ableism, and the need to create more inclusive environments.

This event is co-sponsored by the GSEHD Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative and the GW University Seminar: Celebrating Disability as Diversity.

CART and ASL interpreting will be provided.

The first 10 GW students to register will receive a copy of Emily’s book, Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally. Please register using your @gwmail email address so we can confirm your student status. Books can be picked up on the Foggy Bottom campus or mailed to a given address.

Open to everyone.

Dr. Elisabeth Kutscher

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