New Book by Dr. Ali: Critical Youth Research in Education - Methodologies of Praxis and Care

June 9, 2020

Dr. Arshad I. Ali, Associate Professor of Educational Research, published a new book entitled, Critical Youth Research in Education - Methodologies of Praxis and Care.

Critical studies of youth play an increasingly important role in educational research. This volume adds to that ongoing conversation by addressing the methodological lessons learned from key scholars in the field.

With a focus on “the doing” of critical youth studies in ways that center praxis and relational care in work with youth and their communities, the volume showcases scholars discussing their research and reflecting on the practical strategies they have used to operationalize their conceptions of knowledge in youth-centered research projects. Each chapter addresses the research features, challenges, tensions, and debates of the project; engagement with communities; and relationality, reciprocity, and responsibility to participants. The focus throughout is on qualitative approaches that are humanizing, anti-colonial, and transformative.

This book "quite literally changes the game, asking us to rethink how we conceptualize, and importantly, how we conduct qualitative research...Ali, McCarty, and their contributors show us what is possible when we put communities first, when we begin with their concerns and more forward with them, in solidarity, to build more just futures together." --H. Samy Alim, UCLA, USA